Seed Sale: Special on Farewell-to-Spring!

Seed Sale: Special on Farewell-to-Spring!

Written December 10th, 2021

Happy Holidays everyone!

Farewell-to-Spring (Clarkia amoena) stocking stuffers on sale tomorrow during our 20% off plant salePerfect stocking stuffers and gifts for nature-loving friends and family. Available for in-person sales only. $25 per packet. 

Sowing Time: September to mid-March

Flowering Time: June to July

Value: Each seed packet has 5 grams (=25,000 seeds). Coverage: 40m2, 430 ft2!

Plant description:

Striking large magenta to pink flowers that bloom later than most other spring annuals. Very drought-tolerant and best-suited to very well-drained shallow soils in full sun. As with all native annuals, this plant will spread by seed and form larger patches as long as the area isn't mulched after the seed drops in late summer. The seeds are tiny and must remain near the soil surface where the fall rains coincide with their germination. Through fall and winter, the new leaves will form green carpets (with a hint of pink that match the pink in the flowers!) of small foliage and then go on to bloom the following spring. Sow in fall or early spring for germination in the same season.

A boulevard garden that features a patch of Farewell-to-Spring and Nodding Onion. 


Seed packets of Farewell-to-Spring

Farewell-to-Spring makes great green ground cover throughout fall and winter. 

A large patch of Farewell-to-Spring from one of our seed beds.

Our seed row of Farewell-to-Spring at Fairfield Farm in Cobble Hill, 2021.



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  • Abigail Hyde